Complying with Workplace and Industrial Relations legislation

Expertise in handling wage negotiation with unions, unfair dismissal claims, back pay and other workplace law matters

Businesses that do not meet all of their work-related obligations or provide employees with all of their entitlements can face litigation brought by employees, trade unions or the Fair Work Ombudsman and face significant fines. Directors, managers and supervisors can also be held personally liable for non-compliance with workplace laws. An Industrial Relations specialist, such as John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting, can proactively significantly reduce risk. Or following action being initiated, help to achieve the best possible outcome.

Workplace Relations consulting retainer services

Workplace Relations consulting retainer services

Many businesses utilise John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting services by way of a retainer. Businesses are able to enter into a retainer agreement that best suits your needs, providing a “sounding board” and the peace of mind that you can receive quick accurate advice, with options available including:

  • Provision of “top of the head” advice via email or telephone, with set annual fee
  • A set number of on-call service hours at an agreed rate

Should you require any further information on the benefits to your business of entering into a retainer relationship with John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting, please contact us for further details and costs.

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Workplace & Industrial Relations at a glance;

Anti-Discrimination Commission representation

The Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland deals with discrimination on the basis of gender, sexuality, age, race, impairment, religion or political beliefs. John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting has vast experience representing clients in matters involving allegations of direct discrimination and indirect discrimination.

Proficient negotiating with unions

A high level of understanding of the prevailing legislation combined with extensive practical experience means John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting can effectively deal with union representatives on behalf of clients. Unions have been a legitimate part of Australia’s industrial relations system for more than a century. Accordingly, unless a practitioner is aware of certain limitations on what matters a union is able to become involved in, it would be difficult to engage in constructive discussions with their representatives.

Award interpretation services

John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting can provide clients with a clear understanding of their employee’s entitlements through an award interpretation service relating to both Federal and State Awards. Areas where assistance is usually required includes:

  • Determining which award applies to the client’s business
  • The differences between categories of employees
  • Which employees should be paid for ordinary hours, overtime and weekend work

In addition to the Award interpretation service, John Lamb can assist clients with advice and understanding their responsibilities in relation to the National Employment Standards, which form the minimum terms and conditions of all Federal system employees.

Handling claims for back payment of wages/salary

Many employers unintentionally underpay their employees, often through not having access to information that will allow them to correctly interpret pay obligations relating to correct classification and penalty payments. The Fair Work Ombudsman and its inspectors are able to launch actions in the Federal Magistrates Court in relation to employees being underpaid, which results in employers having to make up the back pay and some also being subject to large fines for each breach of the law. As such, prudent employers take advice to ensure that they make informed decisions in relation to an employee’s remuneration.

Fair Work unfair dismissal advice

With more than 25 years’ experience dealing with unfair dismissal allegations and well equipped to handle actions against employers by a current or ex-employee, John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting is usually able to resolve matters of this sort at the conciliation stage and save clients the cost of a hearing.

Adverse action stems from what is known as General Protections under the Fair Work Act 2009. An employee, under the legislation, has a number of workplace rights and where an employer adversely impacts these rights through their own actions they are exposed to litigation. The main point here is that the onus of proof is reversed, meaning that the employer has to prove that they did not adversely impact the Workplace Right of an employee.

Enterprise Bargaining assistance

John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting has extensive experience in drafting and negotiating initial or renewed Enterprise Agreements with unions and/or employees. Services include completing all of the necessary forms required by the Fair Work Commission and carrying out the mandatory Better of Overall Test (BOOT). Registration with the Fair Work Commission for lodgement of Enterprise Agreements ensures the speedy attention to any Collective Agreement lodged on a client’s behalf.

Workplace negotiations

Every negotiation is different and the same approach cannot be used successfully in all matters. Widespread experience as a negotiator, which John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting has, is certainly beneficial in maximising the chances of achieving a satisfactory result. Knowing the likely best possible end result in a given situation, and how to get there, means John Lamb’s clients typically achieve positive outcomes that are to their benefit.

Get help navigating Australia's complex industrial relations laws

To request an appointment with John Lamb Workplace Relations Consulting, please fill out the form or contact us on 0428 112 009

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